亚洲天堂2020av在线 国产无码久久影视 亚洲第一综合一区 国产亚洲欧美一区二区三区在线播放

Ethyl Pyruvate
Product name: Ethyl Pyruvate
CAS No.: 617-35-6
Molecular formula: C5H8O3
Molecular weight: 116.12
Character: Colorless liquid, slightly soluble in water. It is miscible with ethanol and ether, and can be used as food flavoring for caramel, brandy, meal wine, rum, chocolate, etc.
Structural formula:
Quality index:
Density 1.06g/cm3
Refractive index (20 ℃) 1.404-1.406
Boiling point 155°C
Flash point 114 ℉
Application field: It is used in the manufacture of medicine indomethacin and pesticide thiabendazole, etc


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